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Month: February 2015

Keep ‘Em Fresh!

Fresh is always best, right? And that’s especially true of something special and valuable in your home — fresh, cut flowers.

Flowers make a great gift and everyone enjoys them. What’s frustrating is how quickly they begin to wilt and look tired and… then they look more like weeds than flowers.

There are a lot of tips and tricks you can try to keep flowers fresh longer. No scientific evidence, but easy things you can try at home.

You know those little packets of powder that comes with fresh cut flowers? The little packet your florist includes for free? It’s basically sugar – so if you don’t have some of those packets, just dump in a tablespoon or so of white sugar. The powdered sugar variety might be best since it will dissolve easier in water. Even cut flowers need a little nourishment, and who doesn’t like sugar?

Keeping the water acidic is also a tip some pros endorse. Acidity is vital to plant growth, so adding an ounce or two of white vinegar might make those flowers look their best longer.

The Clorox company recommends ¼ teaspoon of bleach for each vase of flowers, saying the bleach disinfects and keeps the water clear and free of that smelly slime we all experience after a few days on the counter.

Another way to make flowers look better longer is kind of cheating. Some florists say to use hairspray on the underside of the petals and leaves. Obviously, this keeps them from drooping too much.

No matter which tip, trick or urban legend you use for your flowers, the best advice is simple: Change the water in the vase daily, and enjoy those fresh, cut flowers as long as you can!

A friendly message from your local Carpet cleaners. All Points Carpet Care

Mattress Cleaning Los Angeles

Mattress Cleaning, Dust Mites and You

No matter who you are, no matter where you live, you never sleep alone.

But don’t panic…those sleeping with you are somewhat peaceful. And not really that noticeable, until the “Welcome” sign goes up and they start inviting a bunch of friends over. Once the invitation goes out, there can be hundreds of thousands that end up sharing your mattress!

Yes, we are speaking of dust mites, those super-tiny eight-legged creatures that live in every house and take up residence in virtually every pillow, mattress and other comfortable abodes in the world.

Commonly called the “house dust mite,” (there are a couple of different types known to inhabit various parts of the world) this little creature feeds on flakes of shed human and animal skin and known to be a cause of asthma and allergic reactions.

Dust mite feces contain a strong digestive enzyme that causes all kinds of breathing problems it’s actually believed to increase asthma symptoms— if there are enough of the creatures in your home.

Some people are very sensitive to dust mites, while others never have a reaction.

What can you do?

First of all, like we already said, don’t panic. Dust mites are everywhere, and there’s nothing you can do about that.

What you can do is keep things clean. Dust mites reproduce quickly in mattresses, beddings, pillows and other areas because these absorbent items take up moisture, such as saliva, perspiration and blood, from body contact. Dust mites prefer those warm, moist environments created by sleeping bodies.

Besides moisture, they need food. Dust mites are like any living creature. They need to eat. The skin flakes, dander and other protein sources are food for dust mites, so regular vacuuming is smart, especially using one with HEPA filtering. And running an air cleaner in your home with HEPA filtering will help, too.

Professional carpet cleaning and mattress cleaning is a good investment for your home. Especially if you have had allergies. Deep cleaning all fabrics on a regular basis means you are taking food away from these unwanted guests. Logically, this equates to fewer dust mites coming over to party at your house.

So be a smart homeowner. Provide a healthier living for you and your family. Keep things clean and keep some of the pests away! Call us today, we are a mattress cleaning and professional carpet cleaning company. We can help.